Monday, October 06, 2008

PSA: Attention anyone who still hasn't registered to vote

If you live with me in the great state of Ohio, or other battleground states like Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida, Indiana, Colorado and I don't know, probably some others, then this is your last day to register to vote in this year's presidential election and help elect that one guy. I don't want to get too political or anything here, but you know—whatshisname. Rhymes with Schmobama?

But even if you're like, "No, I think I prefer the presidential ticket that sucks," I guess you should register to vote anyway. Because if you don't, you just may get a visit from Golden Age Green Lantern Alan Scott.

And he won't be there to sign autographs.


troyfreund said...

Man, we need more superheroes like Alan Scott. Hell yeah! Go Schmobama!

troyfreund said...

by the way, have you checked out yet?

Hdefined said...

Instead of "the presidential ticket that sucks," you should've said, "the presidential ticket with the running mate who likes to try to ban books, which are those things you like to read of which you have a mutual interest with me or else you wouldn't have come to this site."

googum said...

Weird! Good to see Alan being used for good instead of evil.

Sadly, in some parts of the country, "Schmobama" might read better on the ticket...